Homeopathy indicates a therapeutic method that consists of administering remedies in infinitesimal doses, capable, at higher dynamizations, of producing symptoms similar to those of the disease to be fought.
It is therefore based on the theory of similitude (treating or preventing the disease with the substance that causes it).
Its founder is Samuel Hahnemann, who gave the name to the principle of CH dilution, Centesimal Hahnemannian.
We are able to offer you more than seven hundred strains (delivery time of 24 hours depending on availability) to meet your specific needs.

Anthroposophy refers to a medicine derived from the research of Dr. Rudolf Steiner and Dr. Ita Wegman.
According to its principles, a human being is made up of four inseparable elements: the physical body, the etheric body (vital force), the astral body (sensations and emotions), and the egoic body (spirit).
Disease would result from an imbalance of these four elements. To combat it, Anthroposophy uses natural substances such as minerals, plants, or even organotherapy in the form of mother tinctures dynamized according to homeopathic medicine.
We have a large number of anthroposophic medicines to advise you in the best possible way.